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Showing posts with the label artificial intelligence

Familiarizing with NLTK: Basics of Statistics and Loops for Text Analysis

  Hope you are following up with us and by now you have become familiar with Jupyter Notebook , the basics of NLTK and Python functions .  Now, we will explore some more complex topics in NLTK, starting with statistics we will go through the loops and then learn how to apply conditions to the texts.  From the previous article, we know how to find the size of text, and how to access tokens based on indexes. But how to find out which tokens are highly repeated in the text or are there any specific tokens that the author has repeated many times to focus or emphasize on a particular topic.  Yes, this is very simple and can be done easily by using frequency distribution. Frequency Distribution can be understood simply as counting the repetition of different tokens in a text. Eg. In this paragraph, we have tokens ' frequency ', ' distribution ', and ' can ' present twice while 'understood', 'counting', 'repetition', 'using' etc have ju...

40,000 Weapons in Just 6 Hours

  You might have also been shocked by reading the Title... and might be thinking what are we talking about.  Wait... it's just starting, we got more... With the increasing use of computers and growing technologies, machine learning and artificial intelligence is gaining popularity and has also become one of the most trending jobs in recent years. But as we know everything has both positive and negative sides. The same is the case here also, a machine learning model takes a lot and a lot of effort to design and achieve a model that can work for the betterment of human society, but it takes lesser effort to make the machine perform against or make wrong judgements. A Brief Background A machine learning model to find new therapeutic inhibitors of targets for human diseases, which guides a molecule generator "MegaSyn".  A public database was used to train the AI model which was created after inverting the basic principle of the MegaSyn, i.e. the Machine Learning model which w...