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Showing posts with the label median

Mean or Median Imputation

To understand Mean or Median Imputation, we need to first revise the concepts of Mean & Median. Then it would be easy for us to know why this is a widely used method for imputation and can easily identify its issues.  We already studied the Missing Data and defined Imputation & its basics in previous articles. What is Mean?  Mean is nothing but the arithmetic average of numbers. That is why it is also referred to as Average or Arithmetic Average. The process of finding average/mean is quite simple, we just add all the given values irrespective of the magnitude(+/-) and then divide the total sum by the no. of observations.                                  Sum of all the observation  Average/Mean =  ---------------------------------------                                    No. of Observa...

D-Tale -- One Stop Solution for EDA

D-Tale is a new recently launched(Feb 2020) tool for Exploratory Data Analysis. It is made up of Flask(for back-end) and React(for Front-end) providing a powerful analysing and visualizing tool.  D-Tale is a Graphical User Interface platform that is not only Quick & Easy to understand but also great fun to use. It comes with so many features packed and loaded in it that reduces the manual work of Data Engineers/Scientists analysing and understanding the data and removes the load of looking for multiple different libraries used in EDA.  Let's have a look at some features which make it so amazing:- 1. Seamless Integration -- D-tale provides seamless integration with multiple python/ipython notebooks and terminals. So, we can use it with almost any IDE of our choice. 2. Friendly UI  -- The Graphical User Interface provided by D-tale is quite simple and easy to understand, such that anybody can easily get friendly with it & start working right away.  3. Support...