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Showing posts with the label meanmedianImputer

Imputation Using Feature Engine

Welcome Back, Folks... !!! Missing Data is one of the most unavoidable issues, and is always resting in our datasets peacefully waiting to destroy our final Machine Learning models. Thus, when it comes to making a Machine Learning model for our requirement, a majority of time is taken in Cleaning, Analysing and Preparing our Dataset for the final model.  We will be focusing here on Imputating Missing Data , which indeed is a difficult, manual & time killing job. In this regard, in our previous articles, we studied Imputation and its various techniques that can be used to ease our life. To avoid, or better to say reduce our time in Imputing the variables, there are few Python Libraries, that can be used to automate the Imputation task to some extend. We have already studied one such skLearn.SImpleImputer() in previous articles. Here, we will be focusing on a new library, Feature Engine .