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40,000 Weapons in Just 6 Hours

  You might have also been shocked by reading the Title... and might be thinking what are we talking about.  Wait... it's just starting, we got more... With the increasing use of computers and growing technologies, machine learning and artificial intelligence is gaining popularity and has also become one of the most trending jobs in recent years. But as we know everything has both positive and negative sides. The same is the case here also, a machine learning model takes a lot and a lot of effort to design and achieve a model that can work for the betterment of human society, but it takes lesser effort to make the machine perform against or make wrong judgements. A Brief Background A machine learning model to find new therapeutic inhibitors of targets for human diseases, which guides a molecule generator "MegaSyn".  A public database was used to train the AI model which was created after inverting the basic principle of the MegaSyn, i.e. the Machine Learning model which w...

Types of NoSQL Databases

  NoSQL Databases are a new form of database that is gaining popularity and are increasingly used daily. Most of the companies are switching to these databases due to the wide variety of their use cases. A famous one that we always keep hearing is the "MongoDB".  But what in actually is NoSQL,  NoSQL term was coined and founded in the 21st century only with the rise in Web2.0(the current face of the internet), due to the increase in unstructured and Big data (Eg. Tweets generated from Twitter, images and videos shared on social media, logs generated by sites, purchase history of a customer etc.)  that was not feasible for the traditional SQL databases to store and process. Thus, NoSQL can be defined as the SQL for the Unstructured and Big data. Still unable to differentiate between SQL and NoSQL..!!! Read it here .  How Data is stored in NoSQL Databases?  So, now coming to the point, when the data generation sources are so different and in various formats t...

Honey in Computers

Computers have become an integral part of human life, they can be found everywhere from watches to TVs, from the motorbikes to aeroplanes, from a smartphone to the supercomputers, all the devices nowadays use the power of computing from the computers inside them to be more precise and accurate and better performance.  Most of the present-day computers use the very old architecture popularly known as " Von Neumann Architecture " and primarily use non-eco-friendly components, which are not only harmful to the environment but also require a lot of power to run.  To overcome the issues faced and the monopoly of von Neumann Architecture, engineers & scientists have been busy developing a system which is both eco-friendly and can use less power. Thus, they came up with a " Neuromorphic computer ", that mimics the neurons and synapses found in the human brain.  Now, to make the computers eco-friendly, the team was looking for various materials till they found "Hon...

Can Machines be Racists...???

  Being a Racist or judging others based on their skin colour, hair, region, mother tongue, and each and every little action is considered to be the sole department of Humans only, Until now when a Machine created by Humans also started to behave like them and judging others based on these attributes.  Yes..!! you heard it right. A machine designed to give ethical advice gave inappropriate responses.  What is it?  You might also have the same question in your mind... What is it? or What are you talking about?  So let's try to answer this question first and then proceed further with other things.  Many times it happens that we feel alone and hope for some good advice from our friends, seniors, parents etc.. but this is not possible all the time, finding a piece of good advice from someone you can trust is not possible. Thus, what else can be a better replacement for it than a machine, that can listen to our problems and can answer ethically just like someone...

Feature Scaling -- Scaling to Unit Length

  Let's see a more technical feature scaling method, that we can use for scaling our dataset. It is popularly known as "Scaling to Unit Length", as all the features are scaled down using a common value. Unlike previous methods that we have studied so far, used to scale the features based on some value specific to the variable, here all the variables are used to scale the features. Here,  the scaling is done row-wise to make the complete vector has a length of 1, i.e. normalisation procedure normalises the feature vector and not the observation vector.  Note:-  Scikit-learn recommends this scaling procedure for text classification or clustering. Formula Used:-  Scaling to Unit Length can be done using 2 different ways:-  1. Using L1 Norm:-  L1 Norm or popularly known as Manhattan Distance can be used to scale the datasets.  Scaling to Unit Length using Manhattan Distance where l1(x) can be calculated using the below formula. Manhattan Distance...

Bot With A Life

  The Logic Behind:-  The concept of designing a bot came from a very simple and common thing, i.e Paper Making. Confusing... !!!Let's explain it and make it a bit simple. 'A book is made of wood. But it is not a tree. The dead cells have been repurposed to serve another need.' Here, one living cell is adapted for use for a different purpose, i.e the cells from a "Living" tree are changed and adapted to form a page, which is then used to form a book. A similar logic was used by the scientists from the University of Vermont, who tried to use the cells from one living organism to create a robot that can be controlled and alive at the same time.

Feature Scaling -- Robust Scaling

  Another technique in feature scaling is Robust Scaling, also known as Scaling to quantiles and median. Robust scaling uses the Median and inter-quantile range for scaling the values of our dataset. Quantiles can be defined as the cut points dividing the range of a probability distribution into continuous intervals with equal probabilities. Eg. 25th quantile, 75th quantile, 50th quantile.  The Inter-Quantile Range can be defined as the difference between upper and lower quantiles. Median is the middle value in a series when arranged in ascending or descending order. The logic used here is to subtract the median from each value to reduce the overall median to 0 and divide the difference by the difference between the 75th quantile and 25th quantile. Formula Used:-  Robust Scaling Formula Features of Robust Scaling:-  1. Median is centred at 0:-  Since the median value is subtracted from each value individually to scale the dataset thus it reduces and...

Feature Scaling -- Maximum Absolute Scaling

  In previous articles, we read about Feature Scaling and two of the most important techniques used for feature scaling, i.e. Standardization  & MinMaxScaling . Here we will see another feature scaling technique that can be used to scale the variables and is somewhat similar to the MinMaxScaling technique. This technique is popularly known as MaxAbsScaling or Maximum Absolute Scaling . What is MaxAbsScaling? Maximum Absolute Scaling is the technique of scaling the data to its absolute maximum value. The logic used here is to divide each value by the Absolute Maximum Value for each variable/column. Doing so will scale down all the values between -1 to 1.  It can be implemented easily in a few lines of code, as shown below in the  practical section.   Note:- Scikit-learn recommends using this transformer on data that is centred at zero or on sparse data. Formula Used:-  MaxAbsScaling Formula Features of MaxAbsScaling:-  1.  Minimum and Max...