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Partitioning in HIVE - Learning by Doing

< Previous  Partitioning in Hive

We studied the theory part involved in Partitioning in Hive in our previous article. Time to get our hands dirty now. 

We will be following the below pattern for the Coding part:- 

1. Hadoop Installation.

2. Hive Installation.

3. Static Partitioning.  {The theory part is covered in the previous article.}

4. Dynamic Partitioning. {The theory part is covered in the previous article.}

Hope we have installed, and have Hadoop and Hive running. 

1. Static Partitioning

A. Creating a Partition table

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <Table Name> (<Column1 DataType>, <Column2 DataType>,<Column3 DataType>,... )
PARTITIONED BY  (<Partition Column DataType>)
STORED AS <file format>;

Creating Partitioning Table
Creating Partitioning Table

Table in HDFS
Table in HDFS

B. Inserting/ Loading Data in Partitions

We can Load/Insert Data into the Partition table in two ways:- 

i. Using a Base table having un-partitioned data to insert data into the Partitioned table.

PARTITION(<Partition Column> = <Partiton Value>)
SELECT Column1 ,Column2, Column3,...
FROM <Base Table>
WHERE <Partition Column> = <Partiton Value> ;

Static Insert Command in Hive
Static Insert Command

Data in HDFS
Data in HDFS

ii. Loading data directly from separate files

We can also Load data directly, but we need to take care that data should be separated properly on the partition column, i.e. we can use separate files to load the data in partitioned tables separately.

INTO TABLE <Table Name>
PARTITION(<Partition Column> = <Partiton Value>);

C. Adding a Partition

Again we can use three different ways to Add a Partition:- 

i. Adding a partition together with Data.

For this, we need to specify the location of the file at the time of Adding Partition

ALTER TABLE <Table Name>
ADD PARTITION (<Partition Column> = <Partiton Value>)
LOCATION <HDFS Directory Location>;

Adding a partition together with Data.
Adding a partition together with Data.

We can check the Partitions using the "Show Partitions <Table Name>" command.

ii. Adding a Partition before Loading the data. 

We need to create an empty partition and then load the data. 

ALTER TABLE <Table Name>
ADD PARTITION (<Partition Column> = <Partiton Value>);

Alter Adding a Partititon
Alter Adding a Partititon

INTO TABLE <Table Name>
PARTITION(<Partition Column> = <Partiton Value>);

Loading Data in Partition
Loading Data in Partition

Data Loaded in Partition
Data Loaded in Partition

iii. Creating Partition Manually in HDFS. 

We can also create a partition directly in HDFS, using the mkdir command.

hdfs dfs -mkdir hdfs://localhost:9000/dir/"HDFSpartition"

Creating Partition Manually in HDFS
Creating Partition Manually in HDFS

Using this method has a problem, Hive will not be able to show this Partition by running the
command. This is due to Hive reads data from its metastore which has all the metadata about the data stored in Hive. So, when we create a partition directly in HDFS, metastore is unaware of it hence Hive doesn't read it. 


We can only see the previous 3 Partitions that we created, the "agegrpstart =200" partition is not visible here. 

To resolve this we can use two ways:- 

1.  Add Partition Manually in Hive. 

    Any one of the two methods that are discussed earlier to alter/add a partition.

2. Repair Table

    Execute MSCK REPAIR TABLE <Table Name>;

This will repair and add all the partitions in the metastore.

D. Renaming a Partition

Another action that we can perform over partitions is to Rename a partition 

ALTER TABLE <Table Name> PARTITION(<Partition Column> = <Partiton Value Old>) RENAME TO PARTITION (<Partition Column > = <Partiton Value New>); 

E. Deleting a Partition

We can also delete a partition if it is not required. 

ALTER TABLE <Table Name> DROP [IF EXISTS] PARTITION <Partition Name1>, PARTITION <Partition Name2>,...;

F. Importance of "Strict" Mode.


=> this mode restrict certain performance-intensive operations Eg:- It restricts queries without WHERE clause on partitioned tables. 

=> By using this mode, we can block the full table scan if the table is very large.

=> An ORDER BY operation without LIMIT clause is restricted. 

2. Dynamic Partitioning

Dynamic Partitioning is a bit tricky and requires a particular set of steps to be followed for the same. 

An Important point to remember here is that the column to be used for dynamic partitioning has to be the last column in our dataset. 

Don't worry if you don't have so, We are going to consider the scenario where we do not have the last column as the partition column for partitioning.

A. Creating a simple Hive table. 

Firstly, we need to create simple hive data.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <Table Name> (<Column1 DataType>, <Column2 DataType>,<Column3 DataType>,... )
STORED AS <file format>;

Create table in Hive
Create table

B. Insert/Load the Raw Data

Loading Data in Hive
Load Command

LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH <Raw Data File Path> INTO TABLE <Table Name>;

We can check if data has been loaded successfully or not using localhost:50070

Checking Data in Hadoop directory
Checking Data

C. Creating a Partitioned Table

This step remains the same for both static and dynamic partitions.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <Table Name> (<Column1 DataType>, <Column2 DataType>,<Column3 DataType>,... )
PARTITIONED BY  (<Partition Column DataType>)
STORED AS <file format>;

Creating Partitioning table
Creating Partitioning table

D. Changing Hive Setting

This is a very important step, if missed can cause the error and won't create dynamic partitions. 

Here, we need to change the default "Strict" mode of Hive to "NonStrict" and set Dynamic partitioning to "True". 

set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true

Changing Mode in Hive
Changing Mode in Hive

I have attached the property tag for the same present in hive-site.xml

                  In strict mode, the user must specify at least one static partition in case the user accidentally overwrites all partitions. 
                  In nonstrict mode all partitions are allowed to be dynamic.

E. Loading data in Partitioned table.

Here comes the magic part. Unlike Static partitioning we do not need to create and load separate partitions here, rather we simply need to execute the below command and Hive will automatically create partitions for all the unique columns. 

INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE <Partition Table Name> PARTITION(<Partition Column>)
SELECT  Column1 ,Column2, Column3,Partition Column FROM <Raw Data Table>;

Dynamically Partitioning the data
Dynamically Partitioning the data

It will take some time to complete depending upon the size of our data.  Once done we can check the partitions created in the HDFS Directory from the WebUI. 

Completed Dynamic Partition
Completed Dynamic Partition

It took around 109 seconds to create 199 partitions based on countries in our case. We can check these partitions individually from the HDFS directory. 

Checking Dynamic Partitions
Checking Dynamic Partitions

If we want to check the data we can download the part files from each partition and check. OR we can run a select query in Hive to verify the same.


We learned the code involved behind the static and dynamic partitioning in Hive. We saw different ways and operations that we can perform over the partitions. 

Its right said:-   "Practice Makes a Man Perfect" 

So don't just read practice along with us and let us know the issues and challenges if you face any. 

Until Then... This is Quick Data Science Team signing off. See you with another article. 
